Copacabana Triler
Lorena Cortez directed and produced Copacabana, a short film with a budget of $35,000 and a dedicated cast and crew of 68, including both contracted and volunteer team members. The production was notable for its diversity, with 58 participants identifying as people of color and 44 as women. Driven by her commitment to empowering female filmmakers and promoting diversity on both sides of the camera, Copacabana represents Lorena's most ambitious short film project to date.
Editors: Jezrael Gandara and Lorena Cortez 
1st Assistant Director: Enrique Labrada
2nd Assistant Director: Belgica Rodriguez
Director of Photography: Natalia Delgado 
1st Assistant Camera: Jezrael Gandara 
Gaffer: Brian Lee
Grip: Sam Hyatt
Production Designer: Gabrielle Lopez
Script Supervisor: Samantha Tam
Makeup Artists: Marissa Delgado and Marlene Ramirez
Hair Stylist: Yaire Medina Moran
DIT: Eber Bravo
Sound Mixer: Cristina Bracamontes
Production Assistants: Tilden Collett-Grether, Shawna Khorasani, Haley Alabado, Brooke Freeman

Young Lola: Leslie Castillo
Older Lola: Rosa Castillo
Tony: Max Wulf
Rico: Michael Sadler
Marlon: Jorge Valencia
Diana: Priscilla Lam
Singers: Rachel Sue, Hiranmayi Srinivansan, Demond Stephens
Dancers: Andrea Buczek and Norine Rodriguez

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